Friday, May 09, 2008

Sacred Spaces...

The minute between the thought, and the bitter-sweet utterance of something you never meant to say….
The moment the drumbeat in the heavens warns you of the first feel, of better than diamonds, on your nose…..
The instant the whisper of the wind warns you, of an intimacy that could make you blush….
The minute before your eyes squint at the light of day, when Phoebus caresses your face….
The second between your fleeting glance at the face you were searching for, and your hasty turning away….
The fleeting instant before you realize someone you need is just behind you….
The intervals of anticipation, of hope, of the knowledge of the divine…..
My sacred spaces.

The hours between searching for that insignificant something, yet so significant….
The space between the last word in a letter long ago, and it’s full stop....telling more in it’s resigned emptiness…
The days between seeing the extra grey in your father’s hair, and now, ticked of feverishly on that wall calendar….an act infinite in it’s repetition….
The years between the hurt and learning to let go, to love the self better….
The immeasurable gap between three ages torn apart by forces greater than their reckoning….yet never giving in….
The ages between the search for your big act in the circus, and the curtain call….
The instant you realize those blurred faces, begging for an encore, will never get one….
My sacred spaces.

The intervals always stay
Haunting you, hurting you, hunting you down……
For words hastily said or never said at all…
For baseless accusations….
For endless expectations…all of them disproved meticulously…
For those wild and reckless things you thought yourself capable of doing…
For those you did….and regretted…
My sacred spaces.

The intervals always stay
Laughing at yesterday’s biggest tragedy….
Forgetting last year’s devastating heartburn…pushing you to move on…
Clearing your head after an innocent indulgence…
Forgiving you for convictions that antagonize the world at large…
Smiling at a momentary spell of lunacy…
Loving you for being you….
Noticing, the small kindnesses you bestow on people, when no one else can see…
Convincing you to look to yourself for strength…almost forcing you to believe in yourself….
Holding you tight when you’re not ready and you want to run away…
My sacred spaces.


Thomas said...

How woebegone hither interred
In an ol'heart, a whim maimed
Long dreamt the sacred space,
A yearn, my dame you dettered.

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog Witness to a cartoonscape.... took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Zog said...

that was quite the compliment. I dont get the time to write very regularly these days. So Im really not too sure if my work wld be of any use at
my frequency has lately reduced to once on a month or so.
But thanks anyway. It was a generous offer.

shrecks said...

wow...i never knew u wer so good..i mean i m readin properly fr the first time..awwwwsssoommmmee

Vidhyaa said...

I can relate to this post ... I like it so much that I keep coming back to this one. Only I can't find the right words to tell you how much I like this post ... it's matchless seriously!